Stephen Reid has suggested that more green areas are 'rewilded' - left unmown so that wild flowers may grow and birds and insects are encouraged. He has written to County Council officers making the suggestion.
"I'm not talking just about road verges, but some of the open spaces that are little used. With a little signage, people will understand what we are doing and the importance of encouraging nature in our urban areas."
"A very good example is St Mark's meadow in Hatch Warren." (see photograph). It is a beautiful area in which to walk.
"I see a role here for Community Action Groups and Parish Councils to help select areas that can be rewilded.
"This could be a win/win for local communities and Councils. The communities will benefit from seeing more wild flowers. insects and birds. The Councils will benefit by saving money on unnecessary mowing. And we all take another small step to reducing our carbon footprint."