Maria Miller, MP for Basingstoke, met up with Cllr Stephen Reid (Buckskin) recently, to see the road improvements that have been put in place at Chiltern Way. These improvements were made after parents of children at Chiltern Primary School presented a petition to Hampshire County Council. Maria and Cllr Reid have also been following up on this.
The primary focus of the improvement scheme has been to improve pedestrian accessibility and safety by the school, with new informal crossing points, a new refuge island, new footway and a general change in the pedestrian environment. The County Council say that they hope these measures will both reduce traffic speeds and increase road safety.
Maria said: “Road safety is a real priority for every parent, particularly at those busy “drop off” and “pick up” times. The important improvements made on Chiltern Way will certainly help reduce the speed of traffic which I know has been a worry to many local residents.”
Cllr Stephen Reid said: “Parents and the School have been involved in designing the changes that have been made. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation at Chiltern Primary to see if additional measures are needed to help ensure children’s safety.”