Maria Miller MP joined Hampshire Breastfeeding Counsellors last week in making a deposition to the full council meeting at Hampshire County Council regarding the future of the service.
At present, Hampshire County Council is in the process of completing their evaluation of breastfeeding provision in the county. Currently, funding for Hampshire Breastfeeding Counselling will cease in March.
In light of this, Maria underlined the importance of breastfeeding for the physical and mental health of mothers and babies to the council. She further highlighted the incredible results achieved by the Drop-in centres, the use of which research has shown to achieve significantly higher breastfeeding rates.
Lindsey Lawman, who used the service after giving birth to her son, also spoke to the council, giving a powerful speech which highlighted the importance of breast feeding and the need to continue this support into future. Maria said, "Research shows the Basingstoke drop ins are increasingly successful in supporting breast feeding. We need to recognise that we have an incredibly successful model. It is vital that we ensure that this expertise is not lost, and support the work that is doing so much good in our community."