Following an accommodation review, Hampshire County Council have announced they are considering leasing some floors in Dame Mary Fagan House to allow Chineham Medical Practice to relocate.
Maria said, ‘’This announcement is a welcome development. Dame Mary Fagan House is a three story office building, located in Lutyens Close, only a short drive from the centre of town. Finding new accommodation for the Chineham Medical Practice is a key priority for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. Dame Mary Fagan House is already used by some administrative and clerical staff from Chineham Medical Practice; so it appears to be the ideal place for the practice to relocate.
‘’Our town has grown massively in recent decades and it is so important that local services keep pace with this sustained population growth. Nowhere is this more important than with healthcare. Whilst it is fantastic that our town has secured a new £900 million hospital as part of the Government’s new hospital building programme, we must also ensure that Basingstoke continues to have first rate GP provision. Finding a new larger site for Chineham Medical Centre is one further step towards this goal.’’