Local MP Maria Miller was joined by Councillors when she met residents on Thursday to discuss healthcare in Beggarwood. This followed news that a new provider will be appointed by the NHS later this year to take over running the local Beggarwood GP Surgery. At the meeting, representatives from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), who appoint primary care providers in Basingstoke, were present and reassured residents that the Surgery in Beggarwood is an important part of Basingstoke’s healthcare network and will operate under a new provider when the current operator’s contract ends in January. Many residents expressed their support for the way NHUC have run the surgery over the past two years, and were sorry to see them leave. It was explained that the contract was only temporary because NHUC’s focus as an organisation is urgent out of hours care.
Maria said, “Residents have been able to hear directly from the CCG how important the Beggarwood Surgery is and how a new provider is being identified to provide the services needed in the Beggarwood community and surrounding area. It is important that the Patient Forum, who represent the views of patients in the Practice, is being kept up to date with the procurement process.”
Local Borough Councillor Samir Kotecha said, “Residents are clear they want a new operator with the same values as NHUC. Access to healthcare and continuity of care are both crucial issues for residents and something that a new provider must address.”
Beggarwood surgery was taken on by ‘NHUC”, the North Hampshire Urgent Care group, for a 2 year time limited contract after the then Practice operators ended their involvement. At the meeting with Maria many local residents expressed their support for NHUC and what the doctors and other medical staff have done to turn the practice around.
A procurement process is now underway to select a new provider for Beggarwood. The meeting gave residents the opportunity for an update on progress from the NHS and to feed in the issues residents feel are crucial for a new operator to address.
Whilst procurement is a strict legal process, the Patient Forum chaired by Thelma Wiseman have been able to observe some parts of the NHS procurement process and to offer their thoughts to the CCG from a patient’s perspective.
The new operator will be announced towards the end of the year and will take of the practice in the new year.