THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO 12th February 2016 7 for 7.30pm An illustrated talk by Rhydian Vaughan, member of the Guild of Battlefield Guides, at Sherfield School, Sherfield-on-Loddon. Tickets @ £17.50 each include finger eats and drinks. Call Debbie on 01256 473537 or email [email protected]
SUPPER CLUB 29th January 2016 7.30 for 8.00pm The guest speaker at the first supper club in 2016 will be the Rt. Hon. Maria Miller, MP. Further details and tickets costing £25 each are available from Debbie Moss on 01256 473537
Basingstoke Conservatives Annual Dinner 27th November 2015 7.30pm for 8.00pm Your local Conservatives will be holding their Annual Dinner at Audleys Wood Hotel. Call Jackie on 07864 512552 to book your tickets @ £50 each. Guest speaker will be Sir Gerald Howarth, MP for Aldershot.
Wine Tasting with Caviste Odiham 26th November 2015 7.30pm tp 9.30pm SMALL VINEYARDS OF THE WORLD - Mark Bedford from Caviste Odiham in North Warnborough will introduce a dozen wines from small family-owned vineyards in the classic estates of Europe and also further afield in South Africa, Australia and Lebanon. Call Debbie on 01256 322207 for further information or to book your place for £40. Places are limited to the first 45 people to book.
NORTH EAST HAMPSHIRE VICTORY DINNER 7th November 2015 7.30pm To honour James Arbuthnot’s 18 years as MP for North East Hants at the Four Seasons Hotel, Dogmersfield and to celebrate the election of Ranil Jyawardena, MP. Call Debbie on 01256 322207 for further details and to reserve your place.
Basing House Siege Party 16th October 2015 7.30pm Remembering the siege of Basing House with a fun event at a very special venue in Old Basing. For further details and to book in, please call Frances on 01420 84122
Supper Club 9th October 2015 7.30pm for 8.00pm Hampshire Supper Club meets four or five times a year to hear interesting speakers at The Wellington Arms, Stratfield Turgis. Tickets at £25 each for the next event featuring Alan Mak, MP for Havant are now available from Debbie Moss on 01256 322207.
Bridge Afternoon 6th October 2015 1.30 for 2.00pm start Ramsdell and Monk Sherborne Branch will be hosting their popular afternoon bridge tea. £50 per table will include a delicious tea. Make your booking with Debbie Moss on 01256 322207.
Quiz Night & Supper 25th September 2015 7.00pm to 11.00pm Join Upton Grey and Candover branch at Preston Candover Village Hall for a two course supper and a quiz. TIckets £25 per person. Phone Joanne on 01256 381300 or Hannah on 01256 381863 to book.
Pre-Lunch Drinks 23rd August 2015 12 noon Four Marks and Medstead Branch invite you to join them for drinks and nibbles in UPPER WIELD. There is no charge, but donations will be most welcome. Please call John Davis on 01420 560010 to book in, so we have an idea of numbers for catering.
Casual Drinks 2nd July 2015 7.00pm Conservatives across the country have had a fantastic result - thanks to all the Members, Volunteers, Activists and Friends like yourselves. Our team is exploring options to enable all of us to be more informed and to be part of continued success for the #LongTermEconomicPlan. Why not join us tomorrow for a drink (or two) at The Portsmouth Arms, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke RG22 4RA and please invite anyone else who is interested to come e hope this will become a regular event so, if you would like to be added to our emailing list, please use the contact form to let us know.
FOCUSSED ON CAMPAIGNING 7th May 2015 We shall be out every Saturday morning, delivering leaflets and canvassing electors. As the evenings get lighter and we move closer to polling day on 7th May, there will be activity around the town all day and every day. If you would like to get involved in helping Maria Miller and our council candidates get elected, please use the contact form. Normal social activity will be resumed after the election.